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Zarin Subha Rodela- Solo exhibition

Artist Statement

'My work explores the experiences of brown women and examines and questions gender roles and portrayal of women in brown culture. As a painter I strongly believe the role of irony, imagination and fantasy is vital in my artistic practice. Growing up in a brown household and misogynistic environment I was always told about the things I cannot do, however it was acceptable when men did it. These concepts of culture really ridiculed me and that’s the reason my practice is widely focused on these ideas. Moreover, I have also concentrated on the ideas of women in domestic spaces and how free we feel.

'In my painting ‘Forbidden fruit,’ a women is drinking alcohol which is very frowned upon and unacceptable in my society. ‘Oh she drinks,’ is used as a slur to belittle women. It’s the little things that apparently defines a women's character. It’s the generational patriarchy we are surrounded by.'


Forbidden fruit


Girls go to work

Where is this accent coming from?

Sweet home

The exhibition is now on until 11th March in the Lobby at the BMECP in Brighton. Visit their website for more details of opening hours and for directions. You can find more of her work on Instagram: @zarinsubharodela


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