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Maria Pavledis

The works are part of a project connecting the Pied Piper of Hamelin Myth with the displacement, 'othering' and scapegoating of women and children, particularly those of Roma culture in Romania.


Size 200 x 180cm Hanging Monoprint.

The work relates to my experience of working with Romanian Roma Women and children in 1990s, witnessing scapegoating, othering and displacement.

Both pieces of work come from a series of work connecting the Pied Piper of Hamelin Myth with the displacement, 'othering' and scapegoating of women and children, particularly those of Roma culture in Romania.

Artist's Bio

I was born in 1966 in East London to Greek and Irish parents. I didn’t get on well with school but I was delighted and relieved to find a world of misfit creatives at East Ham Tech. I did a degree at Norwich School of Art where I spent most of my time in the life room drawing and then being inspired by Ana Maria Pacheco. I stopped making art for quite a while after college because I did not know why I was doing it or what I wanted to say, and I worked on a variety of youth and community projects (I became a Hospital Play Specialist and later became involved in community literacy work, and working in communities is still a big part of my life.

After work in a Romanian orphanage in the 1990s, I had something to say and began printmaking and haven’t stopped since I discovered etching which has taken me on many adventures and has evolved through installation, projections and smoke drawings.

I finished my MA in printmaking at Camberwell College of Art in September 2012 and have been involved in printmaking and collaborative work in Norfolk since then, curating two print shows in Norwich and being involved with other printmakers and artists via Print to The People and The Green Fuse as well as showing and selling my work.

I am actively involved in Norwich City of Sanctuary Arts Stream raising funds and creating workshops for refugees and asylum seekers and have led a number of print workshops as part of this. I am involved in The Welcome Feast Project in Norwich as part of this, which is a combined storytelling, food and visual art project for refugees and migrants.




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