After two years, more than 200 participants, lots of tears, sweat and laughter, Message in a Bottle art project is ending. To have the last chance to see this moving installation you are invited to a special private tour by the artist Jane Lancashire. Allowed one by one into the dark blue space, facing the sounds of tens of messages of refugees who died in the Mediterranean and more than 2000 “water droplets" made from recycled bottles and text fragments - visitors testified that they felt as if they were entering a parallel universe. Not to be missed.
The event, on the 70th Anniversary of 1951 Refugee Convention, will also include the screening of the hard hitting short film “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.
The event will close down the exhibition News from Nowhere, currently at The Ledward Centre windows and online. At the event, 50 copies of the exhibition’s stunning zine which includes works by more than 20 LGBTQ artists and artists with migrant or refugee background and designed by Paula Sarmiento will be sold with a limited edition postcards by some of the featured artists. To purchase the zine with the limited edition postcards please register and pay online in advance through Eventbrite.
The event will take place from 11am-3pm at the Black and Ethnic Minorities Partnership Centre (BMECP) and it is free. However, priority will be given to visitors who registered in advance.
You can register through our Eventbrite here.

For more info about the exhibition News From Nowhere and the project Message in a Bottle please visit our exhibition page.