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19/03 Exhibition Opening 'The Force of Fantasy'

[...] fantasy is not equated with what is not real, but rather with what is not yet real.”

Taking Judith Butler’s essay ‘The Force of Fantasy: Feminism, Mapplethorpe, and Discursive Excess’ as a starting point, this exhibition proposes that fantasy is a powerful tool to not only imagine alternative futures but to manifest them by looking beyond convention. The Force of Fantasy will enter the extraordinary as a means to open up dialogues about gender, sexuality, race, class, and critique our pervasive social hierarchy. Are you prepared to look beyond convention with us?

Join us in this virtual opening to meet the curator who will take us on a journey of what to expect for this show and the contributors some of which will give a short presentation about their practice and offer the opportunity to ask any questions.

To register for the online event please go here

Contributing artists include; Blast Theory, Cedar Lewisohn, Gil Mualem-Doron, Mitchell Moreno, Noraa James, Phoebe Boswell and Sam Moreno Alamein.

Curated by Ricardo Reverón Blanco.

Image Credit: PANDEMANIAC (2020), Mitchell Moreno (cropped)


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