Diala Brisly / Illustrating Hope
A solo exhibition at The Jubilee Library, Brighton
Refugee Week UK [20-26/06/2022]
The exhibition is now extended until July 2nd.
“Some people look at the news and they feel like: "Oh my God, we can't do anything anymore." And this is why I prefer to put some hope into the illustrations - facing tragedy in a different way.” Diala Brisly
Born in Kuwait in 1980 to Syrian parents, Diala Brisly is a visual artist who grew up in Damascus. Following the outbreak of the Syrian war, she participated in the uprising against the Assad regime and had to flee to Turkey and then to Lebanon. There, she started working with “tent schools,” painting murals and holding art therapy workshops at refugee camps across the country.
Diala has been using her art to confront her own trauma from the war in Syria and to defend the human rights of others. Her art practice is concentrated on the devastating experiences of children and adults in war zones, and the scarring effects on them in exile.
In 2015 she gained refugee status in France and was the recipient of the Nora Scholarship. Her illustrations were published in the book Adnan: The boy who helped his mummy remember by Mark Arrigo which will be translated into English next year.
Last year Diala won a commission from the International Rescue Committee, to create their 2021 UK refugee Week poster. The poster, as a colouring in gift, is available in the library and will be distributed also alongside the food bank parcels at the Black and Minorities Ethnic Community Partnership [BMEC] Centre.
The exhibition is produced by The Socially Engaged Art Salon in collaboration with the Jubilee Library and with the support of Art Council England and Refugee Week UK.
The works in the exhibition are for sale. Inquiries should be directed to Diala Brisly via her Instagram: @dialabrisly